
(English below)

バルビーでは、発災当初に情報や報道が極めて少なかった愛媛県宇和島市の緊急支援に入りました。「避難所寝床改善プロジェクト」では、宇和島市と連携して各避難所に分厚いマットレスと暑さ対策としてクール敷パッドをセットで配布。同時進行で宇和島市社会福祉協議会と連携して「災害ボランティアセンター玉津サテライト」の運営を実施。緊急期ということもあり全力で取り組んだ約2ヶ月間(7月10日から9月2日まで)この活動にご支援いただいたInternational Medical Corpsをはじめご寄付いただいた方々に感謝申し上げます。




Disaster due to Heavy rain July, 2018
Emergency Response in Uwajima, Ehime

BULBY implemented two projects;
-Improvement of sleeping condition in evacuation centers
by distributing matresses and cooling sheets according to the needs
-Operation of Tamatsu Satellite, Uwajima Disaster Volunteer Center
collaborating with Uwajima Social Welfare Council

We were able to respond to the local needs because of various support.
Deep appreciations to International Medical Corps, which is an aid NGO and have come to Kumamoto when we were affected by the earthquakes. Many of us who worked with International Medical Corps for Kumamoto emergency phase now active as members of BULBY. Very happy to work together again this time.
We specially would like to thank those individuals warmly contributed to our emergency response.

Log of BULBY emergency response in Uwajima

The situation and needs of affected area and people will change daily. We might be able to make use of our rebuilding experience in Kumamoto, as the phase change.