Mashiki Town
Kiyama Temporary Housing Site
Nov.29, 2022
Kiyama Temporary Housing Site is the last remaining site of Kumamoto Earthquake.
Various resident-centered gatherings have been held in community center within the site for more than 6 years till today.
Since the site will be closed soon, residents organized an event to share what they have been doing in each gathering.
We collaborated with the residents to support the event, asking other organizations and groups as well to cooperate to the event.
Many people came by and enjoyed conversations.
。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚
世界規模で活躍している国際NGO「International Medical Corps」に所属し、プロジェクトチーム、アセスメントチーム、医療チーム、ロジスティクスチームなどそれぞれの専門家と共に約40名体制で熊本地震発災直後から緊急支援を実施。さらにPFAや緊急支援の様々な研修を受けながら支援活動を実施したことで現在のバルビーは緊急支援から中長期復興支援まで被災地のニーズに合わせ支援を継続できています。