



︎Heavy Rain Disaster of July, 2020
past report
Response to Heavy Rain Disaster of July,2020
Jan.13-16, 2021
-Kuma Village Support Center for the affected
BULBY is working with Kuma Village Social Welfare Council for its operation, supporting the staff, community organization, volunteer management, etc.
Due to the spread of COVID-19 within the Prefecture, the center has to ask to cancel volunteer activities in the temporary housing sites until the situation gets better.
Individual support has been carried on not to leave the residents in needs.
-Kuma Village Volunteer Center
Volunteer activities have been inactive due to COVID-19 since mid-December. Staff continued to manage the equipments. Most of the equipments will be returned to Niigata. Thankful for all the support through letting us use their equipments.
We are consulting with Prefectural Social Welfare Council about management of the equipments within the prefecture to prepare for future disaster.
-Three NPOs have been collaborating with the local government and Social Welfare Council to support community building in temporary housing sites in Mashiki town. Many residents have left the sites to their rebuilt houses, apartments, and newly built public housings, and number of the temporary housing site have decreased to one site. Thus our role have come to an end and we had our last collaboration meeting to reflect the past years and to conclude. The collaboration built through this work will continue.
。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚

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